Random thoughts revisited

I just realized I haven't been posting random thoughts lately.  I'm going to try again to make this a weekly post, like the 3 things postings.  Presenting...my thoughts for the day.

Why does the non-custodial parent always seem to have a suggestion for how you, the custodial parent, can do a better job?  How about you (non-custodial parent) do what I do everyday and then come talk to me?!

I still loathe this job I'm on and it is still sucking the life from me.  I have been applying to jobs since November and have not even had ONE interview! I'm really starting to think something might be wrong with me.  I keep reading that the unemployment rate is dropping in FL but...

So the boy took state testing last week and now we just wait to see if he passed and will be a 4th grader next year.  Did I mention, I hate this test and this is the reason I originally planned to put him in private school?  After the tough, trying school year he has had, I wonder if I made the wrong choice by sending him to public school.  I've really been beating myself up and second guessing my decision.  It doesn't help that I saw the mom of his former classmate last week and she said her son just made the honor roll at his new private school!  This is a little boy that could barely read (I know because I used to grade his tests last year in 2nd grade).  He was also in my son's class this year and she took him out of school back in January.  Anywho...guess it's too late at this point to cry over spilled milk. 

On the school note...I told my son that I would let him have a hookie day once testing was over so he's home with me today.  I just wish we could think of something fun to do that didn't take a lot of money. 


  1. How did he do?? Don't beat yourself up about the school thing. We all do things (and don't do things) that we second-guess. It's harder when it involves the kids. Hang in there.

    1. Thanks Jenny! You're always so encouraging. Too bad I don't know you in real life. He said the test was "easy" and he thinks he did well. Unfortunately, the results don't come out until summer or just before school ends, so I have no idea.

  2. I agree with your thoughts on the non-custodial parent... I've learned to do the email equivalent of nodding, saying thank you for the suggestion and then continuing to do exactly what I'm doing because I really do know better, since I'm with them all the time! :-)

    1. Thanks for the reply! That's funny about the 'email nodding,' I like that. My ex picks our son up from school, so I deal with him daily. Anywhooo...I guess it's easier to parent when you don't deal with the day to day hard stuff.


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