Is 9 too young for sleep away camp?

I'm really having a hard time with this decision. Our church is taking the kids to camp next week and of course my son wants to go.  I've known about it for about a month and still can't make a final decision.  I don't go to church because I'm at work on Sundays but my son usually goes with my mom or sister.  My son is there every Sunday listening to them talk about how much fun it is and he has wanted to go from the begining.  Here are my  issues:

The camp is is NC!  Of all the camps in FL, why couldn't they find somewhere here to go? 

I will not be there!  My sister and 13 year old niece are going but it's still not me.  I'm off this week and had I known about it last October when I had to put in for my vacation, I would have taken next week off instead.

They will be gone for a whole week! Why not a long weekend instead?

I finally discussed it with his dad today and at first he said as long as auntie is going it's ok.  Then he found out she wouldn't be in the same cabin with him and he said "maybe he can wait until he's older." He didn't really give me a yes or no though.

I know if I say no, my son will be disappointed but I'm really not sure about what to do.


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