
Showing posts from 2011

Happy and Safe New Year to all!!!

Looking forward to the new year....

Random musings

Drum roll please........

How to teach an 8yr old to ride a bike...

Three things on Thanksgiving

3 things on Saturday

3 Things...

Random Saturday thoughts in November


Depressed about sons grades...what to do?

Too consumed by parenting? Is that possible?

Happy September!!

Forgiveness...still working on it

Saturday updates

I HATE cancer...part dos

Random Saturday thoughts (and questions)

Happy 4th of July!!!

Moscato induced random thoughts

Random rainy July 1st thoughts..

I HATE cancer!

Finally lost a tooth!!

Quote of the day

Bloggers Block

The pot and the new wife..

It's field day!!!

Pooping in public (or not)

Quote of the day (or year if needed)

Happy Easter random thoughs

Missing in action lately

Random thoughts

Why does my son go crazy when I'm on the phone???

Making friends at 40

Meet me in the thought room

When thoughts are random..

Random, random and more random

The cavity monster...ugh!

Sunday randomness

8 years?!....where has the time gone.

One week down.....

Randomness from a mom

Happy New Year!!!!